old and in college a Lesbian became attracted to her. She did not even know what a Lesbian was and went to her father for help. He gave her books by Havelock Ellis to broaden her acceptance and understanding of human nature. When her father died she inherited his fine library.

Doctor Bakor feels that we need more specific informati on and better education on sexual matters for homophile and bisexual people...that their knowledge and difficult acceptance of their nature need not be the traumatic event that it usually is.

A mother present gave her first impressions of seeing a group of homosexual people gathered together, and stated how difficult this would be to discuss with her friends. A group discussion ensued as to why most people were afriad to talk about emotional problems, psychiatrists, etc. One member offered the opinion that most people were not trained to accept, understand and control their emotions.


Another long discussion ensued over the concept of "homosexual marriage" vs. "one night stands". One man was most insistent that there be no such thing as "homosexual marriago", that there be "comradeship", that the partners must be free and ready to release each other when one or both were ready for a new developement in their lives. He felt the same criticism could be leveled at heterosexual marriage and that "staying together for the children's sake" was bad for the children when the parents were constantly warring, openly or silently.

Another important discussion centered around the individual who is married and has children before he consciously recognizes that he has homosexual tendencies. If he loves his wife and children and his wife cannot accopt his need for male attachments, the problems created can bo agonizing for all concerned. If the wife can accept and the husband is also considerate and understanding, the problem can probably be worked out to the best interest of the family.

Most of those who attend the Institute every year felt that The Sixth Midwinter Institute was one of the Best ever!